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Earning Money From Blogging
7:55 AM

templates wordpress themes Multilanguage

The revolution of the Internet has certainly open up many opportunities for people to have extra income even just right in front of the computer monitor. In fact, we see many young brilliant computer geniuses are beginning to surface like Mark Zuckernberg who found the Facebook which is now worth USD4 billion. Having said that, not every one is Mark Zuckernberg and not every one can developed web application or social websites that can attracts just so many people. However, there are still a lot of people that are actually earning money from website especially through blogging.

Blogging can be done easily by signing up to any blogging hosting like the Blogger by Google or WordPress and to earn money, just sign up for an Adsense account. Usually for beginners, they will sign up to Blogger to start blogging as Blogger tools are easy to use but of limited capability. So, for advanced blogger, most of them will switch to WordPress as there are more functions from the blog hosting. Besides that, blogger can easily get WordPress themes and apply on their blog.

There are even WordPress themes en espanol for Spanish blogs and blogger also have option of 2 column WordPress themes or 3 column WordPress themes to choose from to maximize the space of the blog. Blogger tends to use more columns so that a blog will not be too long that visitors will need to scroll down to see all the widgets that are in the blog. With the resolution of the monitor getting higher each day, it is justifiable to have a blog that is wide, rather than long.

Tags: wordpress, themes, templates, wordpress themes, Multilanguage, free wordpress themes, wordpress templates, wordpress theme, wordpress template, english, spanish, german, italian, french, russian

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