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Main » 2010 » March » 24 » Stamp Collecting To Increase Knowledge and Wealth
Stamp Collecting To Increase Knowledge and Wealth
8:14 AM
rare stamps stamp values Stamps Stamp Collections

Every one of us has different hobby, while some of us might have few hobbies. One of the more popular hobbies is collecting stuff like coins, antiques or even stamps. In fact, my hobby is stamp collecting and I found it relaxing and enjoyable. One can improve his or her knowledge by collecting stamp as there are many information that we can get from a stamp, example the famous landmark of a place. Being a stamp collector myself, I enjoy collecting stamps from different countries and even prominent figures’ stamps.

There are ways to get stamp, one of the most popular way is to take the stamp out directly from the letter that we received. The limitation of this way is that the limited variety of stamps that we are going to have. Next, one can buy stamps or first day cover from stamp dealers. Doing this might cost extra, but this will increase the variedness of the stamp collection that we are going to have. In fact, by buying from stamp dealers, we can sometimes get the limited edition stamps of prominent figures like Barack Obama stamps, Michael Jackson stamps and even Elvis Presley stamps. Of course, getting the limited edition stamps requires some networking with the stamp dealers so that they can reserve some of the stamps for us.

Besides increasing the knowledge of one, stamp collecting can also increase wealth. Limited edition stamps will have the value increase in time, and one can sell it to other collectors if the price is right. While some hobbies might cost a bomb, stamp collecting definitely not one of those as stamps are cheap, even for limited edition stamps.

Tags: stamp collecting, rare stamps, stamp values, Stamps, Stamp Collections, Stamp Collectors
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